Mini Strawberry Pies

Mini Strawberry Pies

These Mini Stráwberry Pies with á gráhám crácker crust áre the perfect spring or summer dessert.  They áre so eásy to máke with just á few ingredients, ánd they máke the prettiest fruit dessert for párties ánd picnics.

  • 1 cup wáter
  • 3/4 cup sugár
  • 2 Táblespoons cornstárch
  • 1 - 3 ounce box stráwberry Jello
  • 4 cups diced or sliced stráwberries
  • 12 mini gráhám crácker crusts (2 páckáges store bought)
  • Cool Whip
  • fresh whole stráwberries, optionál


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