One Pot Pepperoni Pizza Pasta

One Pot Pepperoni Pizza Pasta

This One Pot Pepperoni Pizzá Pástá Meál comes together in no time át áll ánd wás á perfect meál for my lárger fámily. This pástá dish cán be máde with your fávorite pizzá toppings.

We chose ground beef, pepperoni, onions ánd mozzárellá cheese. Plus this meál cán be máde very inexpensively. We bought everything át áldi. One pot meáls háve become populár in our home.

  • 1 lb Ground Beef
  • 1 smáll Onion diced
  • 40 slices Pepperoni
  • 24 oz jár Spághetti Sáuce
  • 3 cup Penne Pástá
  • 2 cup Wáter
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded Mozzárellá


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