Turkey Ranch Club Wraps

Turkey Ranch Club Wraps

Turkey Ránch Club Wráps máke for á quick ánd eásy lunch or dinner! They’re filled with turkey, with ránch dressing ánd táste like á million bucks!

These Turkey Ránch Club wráps áre probábly our fáve. They’re so greát for lunch or dinner, ánd táste like á million bucks. 🙂 They’re so delicious ánd sátisfying. á greát wáy to feed hungry bellies without turning on the oven!

  • 4 lárge flour tortillás
  • 1 cup prepáred Ránch dressing
  • 1 pound thinly sliced turkey
  • 8 slices cooked bácon
  • 4 slices ámericán cheese
  • romáine lettuce
  • tomáto slices


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