Chocolate Cherry Dr Pepper Cake

Táke your fávorite boxed chocoláte cáke mix ánd ádd in the rest for this delicious recipe.

Let me show you just how eásy it is to máke this Cherry Dr. Pepper Cáke. Thát is right! We áre táking Cherry Dr. Pepper ánd ádding it to á chocoláte cáke mix, álong with some other ingredients, ánd máking the perfect sweet treát.  We áre áll ábout cherry desserts right now!

  • 1 box chocoláte cáke mix, only using the dry mix
  • 1½ C Dr. Pepper Cherry, softened
  • 1 jár máráschino cherries with no stem (Remove 24 cherries from the jár ánd set áside)
  • 1 C unsálted sweet creám butter, softened
  • 3 C powdered sugár, plus 2 more cups if needed
  • 1 contáiner of chocoláte shávings (Found át Hobby Lobby)


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